Sunday, May 17, 2009

new blog for rainbow baby~

So, I've had conflicted emotions regarding posting new baby on Lily's blog. I've decided to do a special blog for the new bean, and I hope all of you will check-in from time to time.

Last Monday's appointment has my excitement starting to build and my journey to a safe pregnancy and a healthy baby is sure to be one of varied emotions, but the one thing that is dominant in my mind is that I feel truly blessed to be given this opportunity again...

Lily's going to be a big sister :) and, like any good big sister, I know she will be watching out everyday for her brother/sister...


Mrs. Mother said...

I'm going to go and visit it now. I've thought about doing a separate blog for the new baby, but I'm afraid I won't have time for both of them.

Beth said...

I'll definitely follow your blog! I think you've already seen mine, but I post stuff about Eleanor on my general blog about just seemed like the easiest thing to do. I am excited for your surprise rainbow! :)