Sunday, September 23, 2012

There's never a break...

You can take a blog break but you just can't take a break from this journey, can you?  I've been thinking of Lily a lot the last few days.  There's just a subtle ache these last few days. 

Maybe, it's all the little girls at the park lately and I just can't help but think about how lovely she would be these days.  A beautiful four year old little girl running around the playground...

Maybe, it's all the Halloween costumes in the stores because Halloween is my favorite holiday.  I can't help but wonder what she would be...

See, I don't break down in tears anymore when I miss her.  It's more like I just need to take a big sigh and just keeping moving...

Never stop moving. 


Anonymous said...


Laura Ryan Caden Will Kamryn said...

so sorry that you have to go through this.... i know what you mean though. Constant reminders are everywhere.
Some people think that once you go through it that it ends. But that is not the case.
thinking of you as you keep moving... and sending hugs your way.