Monday, March 26, 2012

The anniversary...

Today is the anniversary of the happiest day of my life. Today, 4 years ago, was the day that I got my positive pregnancy test with Lily. We had been waiting to see the word "pregnant" on a hpt for almost 2 years. Today is also my 34th birthday...


You changed the meaning of my birthday when you made your presence known. I envisioned my birthdays to be so different when I took that test and found out that you would be coming into our world. I imagined sharing birthday cake with you and you making me a homemade card. We both know that today won't be filled with these sweet memories (with you being here)but the day that I found out about you will always be my sweetest memory.

I know we'll celebrate together one day and until then...I love you and miss you relentlessly.



trennia said...

thinking and saying a prayer for you.<3 Lily <3

Anonymous said...

Seconded on the (((hugs))).

Crystal Theresa said...