Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Blah, blah, blah

My in-laws visited this weekend and overall the time with them was pleasant which hasn't always been the case. Really, the only time this weekend that they truly irked me was when they went on and on and on about how much easier it is to take care of a boy than a girl. Here's a quote "ugh, could you imagine changing a poopie diaper on a baby girl!" Really? I would've LOVED to have changed just one of Lily's diapers... Now, I got those comments about girl babies vs boy babies all the time from well-meaning strangers when I was pregnant and right after Cooper was born BUT people that know/love/care for me would NEVER say those comments to me. So, one must come to the conclusion that they are just totally clueless knowing that these two people do know/love/care for me. So, I love them and they're both close to 80 so what can you do? It's not worth mentioning to them because really, I don't think they will ever change.


Maggie said...

Ugh, I'm sorry. I don't know why people feel the need to comment, sometimes it's better to just say nothing. ((((HUGS))))

Antoinette said...

wow....I wonder if its possible to install filters in people that we have to be "related to" after the babies are gone. what a tragedy to change a girl diaper...NOT...(((hugs)))...my aunt who is a BLM of girls in heaven has said to me "Boys are so much easier to raise then girls. believe me" REALLY?? Id like to have been able to say Alyssa was being nasty cause she was PMSing too...but i didnt get the chance...I get it jen..xoxo

Susan said...

Sorry that it's so frustrating. Some people will really just never get it. No matter how much we wish they would. *sigh* And, for what it's worth...changing a little girl's poopy diaper isn't nearly as bad as the critics make it out to be.

Becky said...

Family- I just don't know about them sometimes. My friends seem to know all the right things to say and family can't seem to say anything right, but like you said, most of them will never change. Plus like what Antoinette said whether its a boy-and there apparently easier or a girl I have, I just want the chance to actually raise them

Sarita Boyette said...

You are right - they will never change. They are just clueless and from a different generation. I know you would have changed a thousand poopie diapers for Lily and never thought twice about it. My MIL basically ignored us after we got married, when she wasn't meddling in Meredith's funeral and what I did after her death. Oh, there were some good times with her, but few & far between. I souldn't talk about the dead, but it's true. I'm sorry you have to listen to comments like that. xoxo