Thursday, March 25, 2010


Tomorrow is my birthday.  Tomorrow is also the second anniversary of finding out that I was pregnant with Lily. 

We all have planned out in our mind how our 30th birthdays would go and never in my mind's eye did I expect to find out that I was pregnant...God took away the pain of turning 30 and gave me the best birthday present ever!  Ugh, I had no idea the pain that was to come...I guess you never do :(

Tomorrow, I turn 32 and God has once again given me the greatest present ever...Lily's little brother, Cooper.  My birthday will never have the same meaning to me but I have a feeling that she's going to be celebrating with us... 

Mommy loves you, Lily...I think back to the first day that I knew about you all the time and play the moments of our time together on earth everyday.  I can't wait to see you again XXOO


Emmy said...

Happy Birthday Jen! One year closer to seeing your precious daughter face-to-face (yes, it's morbid, but we BLM's really do have something to look forward to!) ((hugs)) sister! Love you!

Beth said...

Happy birthday, and happy anniversary of finding out about Lily! I found out I was pregnant with Ada on March 5 and that day will always be special to me...I can't imagine if it was my birthday too!

Enjoy your birthday with Cooper! I spent this past birthday nursing and holding Eleanor. I spoiled her and let her take all of her naps on me. She rewarded me with lots of smiles and it was such a simple and happy day. I hope tomorrow is good for you!!

Jill said...

Wishing you a happy birthday filled with love! I am sure Lily will be celebrating with you and Cooper. xx

Maggie said...

Happy Birthday Jen! I know Lily will be celebrating with you & Cooper! XO Okay I just repeated what Jill said, but I really mean it! :)

trennia said...

Happy Birthday Jen...I didn't know we was so close in age :)
I'll be 32 in April...anyways may the Lord bless your birthday.

Mrs. Mother said...

Happy birthday Jen. I also hold the anniversary of the day I found out I was pregnant with each of my children in my heart. I just had mine with Ella and Jenna's is coming up. Tessa's is in September. Big hugs to you. What a wonderful birthday present Lily was.

Me said...

I am sorry you didn't get to keep your birthday present here on Earth. Thankfully, we do have Heaven.

I hope you still have a happy birthday! :)

Bree said...

Two years ago on my birthday, I was taking care of my dad on his death bead. I remember not even acknowledging the fact that is was my bday. Last year, I was so happy because my birthday was drastically different being pregnant with Ella. And, then just a few weeks later, she was gone. So, I have these feelings too surrounding my special day. I wish Lily were here to celebrate with the three of you. Thinking of you. Thinking of Lily, too. Happy Birthday!!

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday, I hope you have a wonderful day.

Mother Knows Best Reviews said...

Sending you lots of birthday wishes and hugs!

Jess said...

Happy belated birthday, Jen! I'm just getting caught up on reading blogs. I know it's bittersweet now, but how special that you had that joy with Lily on your 30th birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day full of love this year too!

Anonymous said...

Jen, A second happy birthday although this one is belated....I was just thinking. Was Lily originally due in December too? I am starting to see some similarities in our stories and pray for the same outcome that you have. *hugs*

Thinking of sweet Lily :)